Monday, September 21, 2009

Photo blog of the day

These past few Mondays have been my "chore" days. With the parents not home it's when I get stuff done around the house or run errands. Here is a photo blog of the day.

Making cookies for Laura and for Tim & Janice:

Making my lunch of an egg-and-mushroom sandwich:

Visiting with Kitty, the neighbour cat:

Making dinner:

Sharing dessert with Brandy:

Cheering on the Crew:

Random thought: Brewer game with Nadine on Sunday! :)



  1. yay! i finally made it over here to see it! love the photos! and have i mentioned how bold you are to spell neighbor with a "u"? i love it. (:

  2. Blame it on going to Canada so much! Plus I think it looks more "correct."
