Monday, March 29, 2010

The work-heavy weekend

I worked 7 hours Friday, 8 hours Saturday and almost 8 hours on Sunday.

Friday and Saturday evenings were spent getting ready for the respective business launches of LZ and Becki. I catered their event and specialized on vegan food since Becki is vegan. It was not very hard to make vegan food. I choose "easier" recipes since it was my first time. The crispi bars were awesome and so easy to make. I've made hummus before. I've made cupcakes before; I just had to substitute a few ingredients. The black bean-and-rice cakes didn't call for any "interesting" ingredients, but it had a lot of steps. But they were soooo good.

Sunday wasn't my best day and I let the little things get to me. I was a bit upset since I had not heard from Shane. I just like knowing whether I have plans or not so I can plan my day accordingly. I was also mad at myself for letting myself get so upset over something so trivial. I thought about having some kitchen therapy, but I decided to play my violin instead. Well not even 10 minutes after I started playing Shane called and we made plans. We saw a movie and hung out and talked and did other fun stuff.

Today I was supposed to get my new crowne, but because the dentist didn't like the colour I have to go back next week. Oh well. Mom and I ran some errands. I'm about to make some granola bars. I thought about walking to the liquor store so I can make my birthday cake (it calls for booze), but I'm just going to go after work tomorrow and make the cake tomorrow evening.

Random thought: Pics of the boy to come soon. :)


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ugh $^$##@Q$^#$%#

Warning: stupid blog post ahead.

So heard back from Shane and he's busy tonight. At least he called. But part of me is bummed that we can't hang out tonight. And with stuff I have to do my best day isn't until Sunday. But I really want to see him and I miss him and I just want to kiss him and put my hands through his gorgeous brown hair.

I need some kitchen therapy.

Random thought: Sorry for this post - I just needed to blog.


Running part deux

Ran a little over 8 miles this morning and had a cool-down walk of a little over one mile.

Nicole, 1. Yesterday's running issue, 0.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I had my alarm set today and was all prepared to go running. When it went off I let it go off for a few minutes and then I reset it and went back to bed.

I enjoy running, but I don't want to get burned out by it. I went running yesterday, will go tomorrow and will run Thursday. I'll probably also run Friday and/or Sunday after work. Today after work I'll walk.

Whenever I don't exercise a certain amount I most likely feel like I should have. I used to be really overweight and sometimes have that certain body image still in my head. When people ask me if when I look in the mirror and see my "old self" I have to be honest and answer "sometimes." I mean I was that way for a very long time and I've had this "new body" only for a few years.

I'm a bit scared to weigh myself this morning. I try and weigh myself weekly just to see how I'm doing. I have a number I like to stay right at or below. I'm only a bit scared since it's been a few weeks.

Sometimes I wish I weren't so anal about my weight, food and exercise.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Allergies? Sickness?

 Remember Wednesday morning after my run I said I didn't feel the best? Well the feelings have continued, but not continuously. I felt the same Thursday morning on my way to work. I was hot, then cold, hot, than cold. I felt better as the day went on. I played with my neighbour girls for almost an hour yesterday and then went out with some friends. As soon as I got home and sat down I started having that feeling again of being really tired and achy. I slept fine last night and felt fine to go on a short run this morning. Well on my way to work I got that achy feeling again. I started work at 9:00 and didn't feel okay until maybe 10:30. The rest of the day I have felt fine. I sleep okay and don't feel achy all the time so I don't know what it is.

I work all weekend; not a surprise there. I work 10-5 tomorrow although if it's not too busy I may send myself home. Or most likely send someone else home. I wouldn't mind a shorter day, but as assistant manager I should probably give someone else the option. We're grilling tomorrow night. I open on Sunday and after work I'm meeting Val at the Old Fashioned for a drink and late lunch. I think I'm going to try the Door County Cherry Wheat. The Blueberry Ale also intrigued me, but after reading the description on how it's often used in "beer cocktails" I've decided against it. It'll be nice to see Val - I haven't seen her since her birthday!

Shane is away at South-by-Southwest so I won't see him until Wednesday at the earliest. I miss seeing him, but work has been keeping me busy. I've got my friends, family, neighbours, etc. I sent him a message earlier. I'll probably send him another one Tuesday. I know he wouldn't think I was crazy if I sent him messages more often, but I don't want to be "that crazy girl" that sends her guy stuff ALL THE TIME. One of these days I'll get a picture of him or us on here so you'll all know what he looks like.

Random thought: Stupid mouth hurts too. Nicole = FAIL.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gorgeous day out today

It was so gorgeous out today. I had a nice 6-mile run this morning. I started feeling a bit out of it so I walked the 1.40'ish miles home and I ached real bad. I felt better after a shower and having something to eat, but I just sat there for a bit. I was kitchen queen this afternoon and evening. I made and took a few phone calls. I played with my neighbour girls. They are so freaking adorable.

Dad and I are on good terms again. We really didn't talk a lot Monday and I was at work for most of yesterday, but things have been better since last evening. He said a few nasty things and to be honest he probably forgot he said them. I'm not one to hold a grudge or rub it in his face if I get really pissed. For that matter mom said some mean things too. Having smoky eyes does make one goth or have shitty make up. Am I going to have smoky eyes all the time? No, but it's fun every once in a while. I'll just have to take it off before I get home. Or tell them I'm going to be home late and have them not wait up so I can take if off once I'm home.

I know I'm almost 23 and they do give me my space. We were filling out the census today and I brought it up how one of my friends is moving out of the Posse house and they would be willing to give me the first choice of being the new roommate. I then brought up the pros-and-cons I had already thought of. They then said they don't mind having me and that lots of people my age are still living at home. BUT I'M ALMOST 23 AND SOMETIMES I JUST WANT TO GET THE FUCK OUT.

Random thought: I hope this new episode of Law and Order: SVU is a good one.


Monday, March 15, 2010

The weekend - the good, the bad and the ugly

I'm going to try and make it look prettier, a la Becki. Mine won't be as creative, but not too shabby.

The good:
-Decent days of work on Saturday and Sunday
-Hanging out with Shane Sunday evening :)
-Spending some time with Kay

The bad:
-Having to suddenly open Sunday so I really lost 2 hours of sleep
-Being able to chew on only one side of my mouth
-Spending $35 at Sephora on two products; however, they will last me a LONG time

The ugly:
-Getting chewed out by my parents (parts of it legit) at 3:00 a.m. this morning; not the "homecoming" I was looking for

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Officially dating now

Yay! :)

I honestly did not expect this to happen. It's so true when it happens when you least expect it or are not looking. I went to Val's 21st birthday party because I wanted to help a great friend celebrate. Shane is a co-worker of hers and was there to help her celebrate as well. He was at the same end of the table I was at and all of us at that end were just talking. We began talking one-on-one at the next place, exchanged numbers and have gone from there.

Random thought: This is fun. :)


Monday, March 8, 2010

News about a boy

I met a guy at Val's birthday party. We hit it off real well and have gone out a few times. We can easily talk and have a great time together. We'll see where this goes!

Random thought: Ooohhhh this could be fun. :)


Friday, March 5, 2010

What sickness was that?

I'm better today. Yesterday I felt awful. I felt fine Wednesday evening when I hung out with Shane. Thursday morning I woke up and felt crappy. At first I thought I was hungover so I was like "Nicole, suck it up." I got up, got dressed and sat back down and basically stared at the wall for 30 minutes. I called in to work. I can function hungover so this was definitely something else. I slept for a bit and thought okay I can go to work. Nope. I stared at the wall and my mom helped put me to bed. I barely had an appetite all day yesterday. I just started getting it back today.

Work went well today. After work mom and I ran errands. I slept a bit before heading over to the Posse house for some guy talk. I came home and actually ate real food. Now I am listening to the Vitamin String Quartet, which is amazing by the way. Thanks itunes. :)

Random thought: Here is a photo from when a bunch of us helped LZ with one of the items on her 24 List. Photo credit goes to her as well. :)


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I used to have some writing talent

I was looking through an old creative writing notebook and thought you all might enjoy this one. :) The original exercise was to create a character. This is from almost 5 years ago actually - dated March 5th, 2005. There is quite a bit of swearing so hopefully no one is offended. If you are don't read it and tell me you did anyways. ;)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I anticipate/worry too much

 I do.

I shouldn't and know that it's not good for me yet I still continue to do so.

I just had to talk to one of my friends and have him tell me to calm down or in his words "take a chill pill."

I'm still kind of worrying and am basically anticipating the "worst" so that if it happens I am not as upset with the outcome.

Ugh, Nicole Anne.

Random thought: I had a total of 2 1/2 shots of espresso yet I am still tired.
Random thought #2: That 5-mile run before work was nice.
