Sunday, February 28, 2010

So I took my camera on a run

It was a cloudy day, but I was able to get some decent shots with my dinky camera. The whole album is here.

A total of 8.66 miles was ran. :)

Random thought: I'm tired.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Picture blog coming soon

Coming Sunday. For you LZ

Nothing exciting has really happened. Or it has, but I have yet to blog about it. Going to a work-theme party tomorrow night so I'll be wearing my culinary uniform. That's why we'll have plenty of photos.

If my camera wasn't so heavy I'd take it on a run and take pictures as I go. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow...


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

The morning from hell

So my period came early - AGAIN. 5-7 days early in fact. No warning either. Nothing much I can really do about it, but it gets annoying since with me now having essentially no clue as to when to expect it I could get caught out when I'm having a good time.

On an even crappier note I have to have a root canal and a crowne put in. I noticed when the dentist came in he was looking at my x-rays longer and I thought "oh I have a cavity, crap." He then said that part of a tooth had chipped. I hadn't noticed any pain and I was hoping it wouldn't be anything major. Nope. I cried a bit in the chair, but kept it under control. My hygenist was real cool and explained some things about the procedure; she had just had one herself. I made my appointments and as soon as I got into the car I lost it. I had to go to the grocery store for a few items and since it was after 9:00 a.m. I needed a liquor store run. Bought some kiwi-flavoured vodka; I'll try it later.

Sorry for this lack-of-happy news post. The only good thing was most of yesterday when I hung out with my friends the entire day except when I wasn't working. Thanks for coffee, dinner, beer and conversations. :)

Random thought: Hey Booth, some of the men curlers are cute too. ;)


Friday, February 19, 2010

I've figured things out...

...I think

I always go back to the same answer. The past 2-3 days my mind has been all over the place on an issue, but this morning my mind went back to the answer it always does. And after talking to my good friend Jen for almost 1 1/2 hours on the phone she reassured me of my decision. I've posted this before: sometimes I make things too dang complicated on myself and I just need some reassurance.

Last night was good. It was my co-worker's 21st birthday so I went out with her and some of her friends. A few other co-workers joined us as well. I was driving so I did not drink as much as everyone else. At the end of the night the birthday girl was really drunk so instead of making her walk home her boyfriend asked if I'd drive them. Which, of course, I did. It took a while for her boyfriend and I to get her to the car, but we did and they got home safe. Funny moment was how she talked a homeless woman into giving her 50 cents.

Today I took it a bit easy. It was a day off and I'm still not feeling 100%. I'm watching the Olympics now.

Random thought: Coffee date with Nadine on Sunday. :)


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Being confused isn't fun

I keep going back-and-forth with what I want to do. Sometimes I think I have the answer. Other times I second-guess myself and other times I have no dang clue what to do. I may be making it too complicated. I tend to do that at times.

Work was good. Nothing exciting happened. Instead of it being constant/steady we'd be really busy, then dead, really busy, then dead. We always had a packed house though. I visited with Alison for a bit. Hatim sure was a giggly baby this afternoon. :) I left a bit early so I could beat traffic. I ran a few errands before going home. I'm not feeling the best so I napped a bit. I've been relaxing this evening and watching the Olympics and a bit of basketball. M.V.P. like Steve Nash.

Random thought: That brownie was good.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Lack of a Valentine's Day

 Last year on V-Day I was a bit upset that I did not have a man. This year...not so much. I'm working on it. :)

I worked yesterday. The first 4 hours were slow; the last 4 1/2 went by fairly quick. After work I went home to eat and relax a bit before going back downtown to meet CC for the UW-Women's basketball game. It was a really good game. I do not understand why more people do not attend these games. Yeah the men's basketball team is better and has more of a national exposure, but women's games are just as good and competitive as the men. And they are a heck of a lot cheaper too! CC and I had great seats that we only paid $4 for. Those seats at a men's basketball game would easily go for $30+.

Today was a good day. I walked an easy 4.25 miles this morning. After a shower and breakfast I ran some errands. I was out a bit longer than I thought I would, but I didn't spend as much money. :) I relaxed and read in the afternoon. I watched most of the Men's 15K cross-country ski race; that was cool. Orchestra class was good tonight. It looks like we're not playing the piece from "Titanic." That made me a bit sad.

Now I'm watching more Olympic stuff before bed. I'm not feeling the best so hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Random thought: The 24 List is now drawn up and ready to start April 1st.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

I officially suck at Wii golf

Just sayin'. I'm not too bad at Wii bowling. Tennis is okay.

So the tiramisu went over well, which makes me happy. Whenever people enjoy my food I am just so happy. I don't think it's a pride thing, but more so like they had a few minutes of bliss and I was able to provide for some of it. The whole evening was fun. I took Sam with me, which I'm glad I did. Booth's friends and other classmates are cool and I enjoyed talking to them, but it was nice to have someone else there I knew as well. Whiskey and I officially became friends last night.

Earlier in the day on Friday was kind of weird. I was originally scheduled 6-1, but since I covered for someone earlier in the week they were going to cover some of my shift so I was going to be done at 10:00 instead. I made a doctor's appointment for 11:00; my co-worker called at 9:20 and said she couldn't come in for me. Luckily someone was able to come in earlier so there was maybe 15 minutes at most where we were short-staffed. Doctor's appointment was good - everything is a-ok.

Saturday has been swell so far. I was home late and slept late and I went out for a run. A nice 4-mile run. We ran some errands this afternoon, played Wii and have lounged around all day. It's been awesome visiting with Tim and Janice and talking wedding details with them. I'm going to make their cupcakes for the rehearsal dinner. :) I work tomorrow so I'm really enjoying the time I have with them today.

Random thought: I sent in my marathon registration - no turning back!


Thursday, February 11, 2010


I have not made tiramisu since the bakery closed, so it's going on almost a year. My friend Booth's birthday is tomorrow and he enjoys coffee and booze so I told him I'd make him tiramisu for his birthday. And hot damn did it turn out yummy! And it's going to sit and settle and become even more delicious.

Today was the longest 9-5 ever. Even though we were pretty steady the day just seemed to drrrrraaaaaaaaaaaagggggg. This is my first time all day sitting down relaxing. When I arrived home just before 6:00 I went straight into the kitchen to finish the tiramisu and doctor up a pizza for dinner.

Tomorrow I open, but only work until 10:00! Since I worked for Anjali on Monday she's covering some of my hours tomorrow so instead of working until 1:00 I'm done at 10:00. I'm not complaining. I can go home and get a bit of exercise in, make my appointment, go shopping and have a disco nap.

Random thought: I'm excited to have Tim and Janice visit! :)


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Guess who's working the most in this family?


Dad lost his job on Friday. The week before last he was told it might be a possibility. Well now it's a reality. Luckily he's being paid for this coming week. He's also receiving a severance package and the rest of 2010's PTO. So we'll be okay for a little while. Granted I still depend on them for the basics (most food, shelter, etc), but if there's anything I truly need/want I buy. The stress level in this house is going to go up even more once this all sinks in. I think it's going to affect mom the most since she is used to being home alone during the day. She works part-time from home so having dad is going to be a distraction. He may not realize it at first, but he WILL have to realize that even though she's home she is working. It'll be an adjustment; we'll get through it.

The weekend was good. I worked last night and after work went to the Posse house and had margaritas with Sam. Making them from scratch is so much better and slightly healthier than buying a pre-made mix. This morning I went for an AWESOME 7 1/2 mile run. I think I'm going to try for another outdoor run tomorrow morning before we get snow. If the roads are nasty I won't go to orchestra tomorrow night. Not worth the risk.

On an awesome note, thanks to [info]atlanticat for her words of wisdom this evening. All of you who read this give me words of wisdom in your own ways and I appreciate each and every one of you for it.

Random thought: I may not have been in church, but I had some good moments with God on my run this morning.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Why to trust your instincts

 So said guy whose number I want came in. We talked a little bit, but was getting a vibe/feeling to not ask him. When he left I told my co-worker that I had a crush on him and she told me that he had come on Friday night with a pink card and a rose. And it wasn't for him.

That is why, ladies and gents, you trust your instincts. Still think he'd be a cool guy to hang out with.

Random thought: My ice cream turned out good!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Booze cakes

 I love making me some booze cakes. Today I soaked some grated apple in some rum I found and made apple bread. I combined some vodka, pumpkin liquor and some apples and once the bread is cooled I'm going to poke some holes and pour the liquor all over the top. I should really take pictures of what/when I bake or cook. Actually, one of the things on my 24 List is to have LZ come over and do a shoot with me when I'm in the kitchen.

The past few days have been good. Tuesday night myself, Kelly, Laura (LZ), Caleb and Calli went to Gomeroke, karoke with a live band. Caleb's dad and his dad's wife joined us as well. Singing karoke is/was on LZ's 24 list. Her and I sang "Livin on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. If I ever do Gomeroke again I may try and sing solo. Glad my first time was with a friend!

Work was good, busy. Once again, I forgot that customers can hear us. My hottie came in before I started and I got a bit frustrated. I said "sometime I should just sit down where he does and tell him I've been trying to get his number and give him my damn number!" Then I joked with Erika how she should give him my number if I'm not there when he comes in. She says, "no, I'm not comfortable with that." Then the customer we had just waited on turns around and smiles. We both laugh, realize customers can hear us and she says "well she is single." My co-workers are great.

Tonight is Project Runway night. Booth is coming over. I felt kind of bad calling him when he was probably busy, but I didn't see him at work so I wanted to check to see if he was/wasn't coming. I'll just have a beer since I open tomorrow.

Random thought: Kitchen therapy tonight, retail therapy (I do need new workout clothes) and more kitchen therapy tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

For LZ

A few reasons why I am awesome:

-I made really good butternut squash-sweet potato soup with corn
-I enjoying making people food and never expect anything in return
-I am more confident than I was a year ago. Heck, probably 6 months ago
-Even though I would love to have a man in my life romantically I enjoy and embrace my independence
-I dance randomly in public and don't really care what others think
-I am close to my brother

Thanks :)


Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekend in photos

Yes, this will include 80's night so [info]reoracer and [info]atlanticat  and perhaps [info]terani can critique.

Had a blast at 80's night and an even better time at Brewers on Deck. I got lots of autographs and had my picture taken with some of the players. It was very hard not to act like a fangirl sometimes and a few times I was like "oh my gosh, it's ______!!!" But I did well. :)

More photos are on my facebook if you have me as a friend.

With Mat Gamel, third baseman

With Tim Dillard, pitcher

Receiving Mitch Stetter's, left-throwing pitcher, autograph. I like the look on his face. lol

Random thought: Work and orchestra went well today.
