Saturday, August 28, 2010

My life and update to the 24 List

This past week has probably been the most "normal" week I've had for a while. I worked, hung out with friends and did stuff that I normally do. It was a shorter work week, which was nice. I know starting in a few weeks once school is back in full swing I'll be back to my normal hours since most of my co-workers will require less hours. It's all good.

Thursday night I drove to Milwaukee to visit Lindsey and Luke. It was so nice driving in my own car. Granted mom and dad probably would have let me use their car, but there's something about NOT having to ask for permission. I like Milwaukee's alternative station; I miss having one here in Madison.

Friday night was good. It was my neighbour Wally's birthday party so we went over and helped him celebrated. I miss my neighbours - it was so good to see them. Tim and Janice also stopped down. They flew to Maine today and had an early flight out of Madison so they spent last night at home. It was nice to visit with them. And talk about their wedding. I was officially asked to be a bridesmaid, which I of course accepted. I was hoping that I would be seeing how I am Tim's only sister/sibling, but I didn't have my hopes too high since Janice has lots of friends and she has two older sisters. I won't like saying how I was kind of expecting to be a bridesmaid, but at the same time it's not my place to ask. But anywhoo I will be and am happy. :)

The weekend and next week should be good/normal. I'm hanging out with Val and Ali tomorrow after work and before our work meeting. It'll be a normal work week this coming week. Lindsey is coming into town next weekend and we need to do some girly shopping.

Update to the 24 List:

I apologize. With my life being crazy of late I haven't kept y'all updated, but I have done things!

-I am still training for my marathon! After not really running long distances for about a month I am back to doing them. And my marathon is in 6 weeks!!!!

-I ate a Harvest, which is a nice/fancy restaurant, during Madison Restaurant Week

-I went to Concerts on the Square

-I went to Neo, a club in Chicago, with Rani, Robbie and Elaine

-I moved out of my parent's house

-I am still doing the new recipe and reading two new books. It was hard during July since I was so down that I really didn't do a whole lot. But I still did it.

Random thought: My hands smell like garlic.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Conversation of the Day

This made my day.

My weekend.

Perhaps even my past few weeks.

Y'all know I've been "meh" these past few weeks. I went up to Road America with my parents today. Road America is a 4.048-mile race track in Elkhart Lake, WI. I used to be a HUGE openwheel racing fan. Once that went to the toilet, I started to follow sports cars more. This weekend the American Le Mans Series (ALMS) was at Road America. I've got some friends in that series, including the driver below, Ryan Dalziel. There was an autograph session and I went to get his autograph and the following conversation took place.

Ryan: FINALLY, someone I know!
Me: Yeah. How are you?
Ryan: Good, thanks. How are you?
Me: Good. I heard you got married. Congratulations.
Ryan: Yup. That's what happens when you suffer a mid-life crisis. I was fired, got married and bought a dog.
Me: I broke up with my boyfriend, moved out and bought a new car.
Ryan: Well now you can pass him and laugh at him.

Random thought: Even though you do not know the details or circumstances, thank you Ryan Dalziel!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Lots of changes.

Lots of stories.

Cliff-notes version all right?

I officially moved out of my parent's house last night. It hasn't sunk in yet, although I am feeling lonely. My roommates work the typical 8-4 or 9-5 shifts most days; most days I am done by 2:00. Most of my stuff is at the new place. I forgot a few things and am going back on Wednesday to pick it up. I won't spend the night. I'll probably spend the night there on Saturday since we are going up to Road America on Sunday.

I also BOUGHT a car. This was the biggest shocker. I mentioned how I would probably need a car sooner than later. I was thinking in a few month, sometime before winter. My dad did some research a few weeks ago. We looked at the car last Wednesday, finalized the deal on Wednesday and I brought it home Friday. It's very overwhelming. I went from having few expenses to now having rent and all that comes with that and (soon to be) car payments and insurance. I'll be able to pay for it all and not deplete all of my savings. Savings will be used to pay for the actual car and even if it's a small amount I'll still be able to put some money into savings. I don't eat a lot - especially of late - so food won't be a big expense. Baseball season is almost over so I won't be driving to Milwaukee too often.

I've also been super stressed, but that is finally starting to calm down. I have a long run planned for Wednesday so hopefully that will work out. I have not had a long run in about a month, due to reasons I will not get into.

Random thought: I'm glad I found my small notebook.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Chicago and lyrics

I went to Chicago this weekend to de-stress and forget about life for a bit. Friday night was great. I was in bed for 9 hours and felt sooooo relaxed. I stayed with [info]atlanticat - her and Al's new place is so cute! Lots of nice space for their kitties to roam around. We had some girly time and did some shopping. Saturday night we had dinner with [info]terani and [info]againstathorn and then got ready to go to Neo, their favourite club. The club was fun. I'm not one to frequent clubs, but I knew that they wouldn't take me someplace lame. We didn't get back until almost 2:30. I read for a little bit and went to bed. I had my sleeping issues again - I tossed and turned from about 7-9. I went for a bit of a run Sunday morning. Elaine and I talked and relaxed before watching a bit of the race from Mid-Ohio. She drove me to catch the 4:00 bus. I was home a little after 8:00. I relaxed with the parents before going out for a bit.

I had my sleeping issues again Sunday night. I got out of bed a little before 9:00 and went on the couch for about an hour. I was okay, but I read about a home invasion in the paper REALLY close to where Shane, Nick and Nick are going to be moving to this weekend and it upset me. It was in the 400-block of the particular street and they're moving into 420 of that particular street. Work went okay. It was slow, but went quick. I visited with Alison and then picked up a bike from Nadine. It needs a tune-up, but it's in good condition.

I took my sleep-aid pills last night and slept great. I went for a bit of a run, but it was so warm and humid. Thank God it wasn't sunny. I'm about to find food before going to work. The sleep-aid pills work, but I don't want to have to rely on those to help me sleep. I won't take them tonight since I have tomorrow off of work so I can always nap.

Random thought: Here are some sample lyrics of what I've been going through. Songs can be so relevant sometimes.

"Whataya Want From Me" - Adam Lambert
Yeah, it's plain to see
That baby you're beautiful
And there's nothing wrong with you
It's me, I'm a freak
But thanks for lovin' me
'Cause you're doing it perfetly

"Try" - Nelly Furtado
Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
I'm all I'll ever be
But all I can do is try

All of the moments that already passed
We'll try to go back and make them last
All of the things we went each other to be
We never will be
And that's wonderful, and that's life
And that's you, baby
This is me, baby

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Finally able to get some sleep

Monday night I didn't sleep well again. Tuesday evening I ran errands, including the grocery store, and bought sleep-aid pills. According to the box they are supposed to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. While I still woke up I was able to fall back to sleep almost right away. This morning I woke up and actually felt rested. It says it's a non-dependancy drug, but since I don't have to be up as early tomorrow I'm not going to take the sleep-aid tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight. Just gotta believe. :)

 I'm still stressed about things, but (slowly) things are starting to get better. I talked to a good friend today and she immediately said I sounded better. My dear friend Jaime called to see how I was doing and I was able to tell her everything without crying. I got choked up a few times, but tears weren't pouring down. I know they still will from time-to-time.

Random thought: Getting excited about moving!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Quick update

Things are...okay.

I have 3 big stressors in my life right now and my brain is constantly running. Even when I try and tell my brain to calm down it doesn't always do it. My brain will start calming down around 9:00 p.m. just because I'm so tired, but then by 5:00 a.m. it's back and running again. I've try deep-breathing exercises, telling my brain to rest and prayer. If I do get sleep it's not restful.

I've been trying to keep myself as busy as possible so I'm not thinking about things. Work is one of my stressors, but at least when I'm there I'm not thinking about the other two. I'm trying to manage the best I can. Some days are better than others. It's just going to take some time. I'm going to Chicago this weekend so hopefully that will give me some rest and relaxation.

Random thought: Yesterday was so tempting, but I'm glad I didn't.
