Sunday, September 13, 2009

My bed is calling me

Maybe it's because it's day 1 of my period or because today was a day off and I still did lots of stuff, but I am dead tired! I went out for a run, almost 6 miles. I then did a few things on my list before going out for a late breakfast/early lunch with some friends. After that I met Val downtown and we walked around a bit. We cheered on the runners during the triathalon. After that I did some grocery shopping. I decided not to make peanut butter since we still have some in the house. I called mum and dad and headed over to the block party. I talked for a bit and ended up playing volleyball for almost an hour. I came home, made pesto and made a lean pocket for dinner. My neigbours hooked up a TV outside so I watched the first half of the Packer game with them before coming home and doing the last bit of stuff. Trueblood is on soon so I'll go to bed after that.

My goal of trying new food/recipe has been working so far. I tried a new sushi roll last night. Tonight I was going to make a curried-apple-squash risotto, but I didn't since I was gone for most of the day. But while watching the game Taz (she's Japanese) made this real light noodle dish that was amazing so there was my new dish for the day.

Random thought: Do I want more ice cream?



  1. You should tell all your stories in pictographs, not just the dreams. Lol.
