Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gosh darnit body

A week late is better than two weeks late or skipping it entirely, but it's still annoying.

I've been working. Nothing much else going on.


Random thought: Two days off - woot!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random thoughts

Oatmeal is delicious.

I should maybe watch who I call "dear."

I was really tired after work tonight.

I should stop eating sweets after actual dinner. I have my "swings" with that. I'll eat some after dinner for a while, then I won't, then I'll start up again, etc.

May is going to be a fun month:
-visiting Jaime
-orchestra concert
-Jason Mraz concert
-Mother's Day baseball game with mum
-Titanic exhibit at Milwaukee museum
-possible overnight get-a-way with Val et al
-Asian food night
-possible trip to see Jen & John
-Luke, Jolie, Kevin, Chana and Sam's birthdays!

Here's to hoping for those possibilities and maybes!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Half a drink and I have a effed up dream

A fudged up dream. Geez. In it Jolie, Luke, myself, Josie, LIndsey, Kevin, Jeremy and the drug dealer from the episode of "Castle" was on. There was some drinking and drugging going on. Luke got really drunk so he and the drug dealer decided to go for a drive. Jolie, Josie, Lindsey and I tried to get them not to go, but Luke was all like "fuck you I'm going." Luke was being a total dick. LOL I then tried to get Kevin and Jeremy to take Luke home, but they didn't want to. Then Kevin and I danced in the street - kind of the '40's swing dancing.

The weekend was good. I got up early on Saturday and went out for a walk before work. It was pretty nice. I was rained on a little bit, but nothing too bad. Work was sloooooooooow that day because of the crap weather. The day went fast, but it was slow business wise. I napped after work and then had veggie pizza for dinner. Watched most of the Brewer game before turning on F1 qualifying. I went to bed after quals.

Yesterday was a slow day work wise, but a good day business wise. At the end of the day we barely had anything left. Since it slowed down toward the end of the day we were able to start cleaning earlier and got out of there a little before 4:00. Val and I went for a walk, stopping at Trader Joe's (I needed stuff for dinner) and at the Union for some ice cream. Our "let's go out for a walk" turned into a little over 6 miles. I went to my church group and then over to Jolie and Justin's. We had dinner and watched a few episodes of "Castle." Too bad it's on Monday nights at 9:00 since I have my class then, but I can always watch it on hulu.

This morning I slept in a little bit, made some breakfast and went next door to visit with Harry, the dog. We're dog sitting while his family is away. He sat in my lap for a long time. I love that dog.

Random thought: Last orchestra rehearsal tonight.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Greg would have been 34 today

Wow. 10 years this Halloween. Life cut too focking short.

Yesterday I did not really want to go to work. It got worse when a man came in to pick up his cake order and I completely made the wrong thing. I felt so awful so I gave him a discount and threw in a few cupcakes. Then some co-workers were having some issues and I heard both sides of it. I agree more with one, but I kept my mouth shut. I was really tired after work so I took a nap. I watched the Brewers play and lose - it's sad that I'm getting used to them losing, but I'm not giving up hope. Hell I was still rallying in the 9th when they had two outs and needed 7 runs just to tie the game. Chatted with Kevin aka flirt boy for a bit that evening, which is always nice. :)

Today I went on the treadmill. I watched a bit of Twilight (I know, I know) before going grocery shopping. I went for a walk after lunch; too nice not to go out. I'll be trying a new pasta dish tonight. I'll also watch the Brewers again. I work Thursday-Sunday. I'll only be working 2-3 days next week (out of my own choosing since I need a few days off for travel and my concert) so I'll take the 5 days this week.

Random thought: GO BREWERS!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'll never be rid of my food issues

When I started this a few months ago I wanted to lose about 10 pounds. I have done that. Now I kind of want to lose more. My lowest ever was about 120 and that was a bit too skinny. I can definitely feel that my pants are looser. I guess as long as I am below 130 I'll be happy.

Work was good today, but I'm tired. Last night's Italian night with Laura, Nadine and Kelly was also good. I love spending time with those girls.

You won't hear from me much these next few days since I am visiting my brother tomorrow, Opening Day on Friday, working and dinner on Saturday and there's another game Sunday evening I'm going to with Sam.

Random thought: Excited to have dinner with mum tonight!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I woke up yesterday and walked 10K on the treadmill. I showered and went straight to working on my birthday dinner. I was able to relax a little bit and read and listen to birthday messages. I made my kringle after lunch - it turned out pretty good!

I picked up Jolie a little after 4:30 and we went grocery shopping and then we went back to my place and started on the soup. She really enjoyed helping me. While the soup was cooking we watched some youtube videos. Looks up "slap chop" - hilarious. Just as the soup was done my guests started arriving; they helped me set the table. I worked on the polenta; it turned out better than I expected. I had not made that kind of polenta before. After dinner and kringle we went downstairs for gifts and drinks. My vodka supply went down. LOL We went for a few late-night walks. Everyone was gone by 1:30. It was a fun night and I received some nice cards and gifts and dinner was great so that made me happy.

Today I slept in and went on the treadmill. I said I'd give myself a day off, but I didn't. I walked a little over two miles, but they were easy. I went to work, made cakes and dough and filled up my beast (the car) after work. Now I am doing some computer stuff and will be starting dinner soon. Since friends were over last night we're doing family birthday celebration tonight.

Random thought: Last episode EVER of ER tonight. :(