-Woke up at 4:15 and on the road by 5:00 to catch our 7:50 flight out of Milwaukee. Blasted music and drank coffee.
-Got to NYC just after 11:00 ET. Took a cab to the hostel, dropped off our stuff and walked around. Walked around for a bit and found an awesome and cheap and GOOD sandwich place for lunch
-Met up with Jaime at about 3:00. Got her settled in, rested and enjoyed free pizza at the hostel
-Walked around for the evening. Enjoyed some ice cream and bubble tea. We also found a decent bar. We were back at the hostel at 10:00'ish. We did another podcast and talked until about 11:30.
-One of our other roomies came in at 4:00 and snored like no other so we didn't sleep much past then. The hostel has a free breakfast from 8-10 so after a shower and getting dressed we headed down.
-We headed up Broadway. Stopped at a mini "farmer's market" along the way. I picked up some cider. Don't think it was pasteurized. Stopped at Macys but didn't find anything worth buying.
-Had lunch from a vendor in Times Square. Went into various TS shops, including riding the carousel in Toys R Us.
-Continued our walk up to Central Park where we had a carriage ride. Went into FAO Schwartz and bought some candy.
-Went into Prada, Chanel and a few other designers and felt poor and WAY out of place. Killed a bit of time and rested our feet and drank coffee at Rockefeller Centre
-Went to dinner at Dave and Busters. Met up with my friend Charles. Shared ice cream with Luke. Spent some more time at TS. Took the subway back.
-Jaime and Lindsey weren't feeling the best so after a bit of rest Luke and I went back out. A 30 minute walk turned into a 2-hour walk. Stopped at a bar just go I could pee. Got a bit lost. Back by 1:30 a.m.
-Slept in and had breakfast at the hostel. Was out by 9:30 and walked down to lower Manhattan, via Chinatown and Little Italy. Went halfway across the Brooklyn Bridge and back. Went down to the World Trade Centre site.
-Walked back via Broadway. Stopped for some gelato. Got ready for Halloween. Took pictures.
-Started out the night in heels, but Lindsey and I had to switch. Went to the liquor store so we could make some drinks. Went out and tried to catch some of the Greenwich parade. Started raining so we stopped for pizza.
-Waited out the rain a bit. Had some shots at a bar. Lindsey and Luke went down to Times Square while Jaime and I walked around the East Village. In bed by 12:00.
-Was up by 7:00. Packed and lounged around before heading to breakfast solo at 8:00. Ventured out to try and find a bakery. Stopped at Whole Foods for some noms for the plane.
-Finished packing with the gang and then went for a final walk with everyone. We did a final podcast and I left our roomie a note (he was running the NYC marathon so I wrote him a quick note congratulating him). We checked out, said goodbye to Jaime and went our ways.
-Took the subway to catch a bus to LaGuardia. Got there hella early and had lunch and played cards. Bought a magazine. Left NYC at about 5:00 ET.
-Landed in Milwaukee just past 6:00 CT. Got the luggage and were on the road by 6:30. Stopped for noms and cigs. Back in Madison by 8:00, home by 8:30.
Random thought: Had fun, but I miss it. Now to see if I can plan a trip to Arizona in March...
Random thought #2: If you are my friend on facebook there are photos there. If not, I'll post some soon.


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