It turns out two friends of mine that I had recently hung out with got the swine flu. One just got it and the other one just got over it. I am a lucky SOB that I didn't get it. Or haven't gotten it yet. You think I would have by now considering the proximity. I didn't get it from Lindsey and I hung out with her the day she started feeling ill. I hung out with Sam Friday night and she started feeling ill early Saturday. It's not almost mid-Sunday and I feel fine. But mum felt ill last night again.
Don't know why though. I thought maybe it was because of some bad bread (it has mold on it this morning), but dad ate the same bread, I think, and he feels fine. Dad didn't eat the same bread so it was the bad bread that made mum sick.
Life has been good of late. Just been working, as usual. This afternoon I need to do some shopping. I'll probably shoot some pool later with some friends. Going to see if Booth would like to join us. Other than that I'll have a "lazy'ish" day. This really starts my weekend as I have today and Monday off. I thought about running my errands tomorrow, but it's a bright, sunny day so I'll do it today and have Monday be my lazy day.
Oh and ps to
reoracer and
atlanticat : Atlantics aren't going to go to MO as part of the irl, but as part of Grand Am (their schedule came out). So that means we'll have to pick a non-race weekend to get together. Maybe meet in Chicago since that's halfway for myself and Jen. And then we could hang out with
terani . :)
Random thought: I LOVE my neighbours.
random thought: i love how you spell "neighbour." (: (it's true!)