Monday, November 30, 2009
You + I = bad romance
Yesterday was okay. I left work about an hour early since we were slow and I'm so glad I did. The morning just draaaaaaaged on. I went to the zoo after work to buy a little-stuffed zebra for Ella and walked around the zoo. The animals were out in full force! I saw Papa Lion climb onto his rock hill and Mama Lion joined him about a few minutes later. It was so cute. I also saw a tiger, an ostrich, various snakes and turtles and some bears. I was lazy as heck Sunday evening and ate a bit too much.
This morning was AWESOME. Ran 7 miles straight w/o walking! I like being able to run these distances again. I showered and made french toast for breakfast. I went to the grocery store with mum. After we got home I called and they will be refunding my $60. Nice and easy that process was. I made lunch, watched a bit of "White Heat," read and took a 20-minute power nap. Mum and I made turkey salad and I'm the process of making some wheat-oat-honey bagels. Hopefully they turn out. This evening it'll be soup, a roll and something else for dinner. I work tomorrow and have Wednesday off so I'm running errands on Wednesday.
Random thought: Gosh my e-mail is being a pain in the butt right now.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Random thoughts/notes about the past few days
-Whenever I go out to the bar I should just use cash since after a drink in me I always feel compelled to buy more drinks or buy drinks for others. Granted I do not go out to bars very often and I only bought one extra drink, but still.
-I weighed myself this morning and weighed one pound LESS than when I weighed myself last week. YES!
-I love it how at the beginning of a race people pass me, but I always pass people half-way through because they started out too fast whereas I start out at a pace that feels good and get faster (most times) as the race progresses.
-I was in bed for 10 hours and it was AWESOME
-Lady GaGa is amazing and so-damn catchy
-Christmas is in 4 weeks - holy crud!
-My days have been all mixed up since I worked 2 days, have 2 days off and then I work the next 2 days. Not complaining; just a bit out of the norm.
-Am looking forward to all of the Holiday plans/parties/festivities :)
-Am glad Angela's boyfriend made it home safe from Afghanistan
-Love and miss you all :)
Random thought: I need a new digital camera.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Am I odd?
I also turn on the MLB Network a lot of the time. Right now it is game 5 of the 1956 World Series when Don Larsen threw a perfect game.
Random thought: I should get to bed.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Today I was lazy as hell. I woke up, went out for a run, showered and had breakfast. After looking at a bit of the paper I took a nap. After my nap I hung out with my neighbours for a bit and then made lunch. I watched a bit of football before going shopping. Needed a bra, but came home with a purse, headband and a fedora. I swear fedoras are my downfall. I went to my friends' band concert. After the concert I did some grocery shopping for my gyro ingredients. Now I am just watching TV and hanging out before I go out later.
My dinner party turned out great. I was a bit nervous with Booth coming since he didn't know any of my other friends, but everyone had a great evening. After my semi-disaster dinner with my friend Charles and my other friends in NYC I was really hoping everyone would get along and talk and laugh and we all did.
Tomorrow I have to run some errands and get some stuff ready for Thanksgiving. Nothing too exciting.
Random thought: I am le tired.
Friday, November 20, 2009
My grandma is 90 years old today
I am very tired right now. I honestly can't believe I was able to function today. Yesterday I worked 6-2 and went grocery shopping right after work. Once I got home I ran on the treadmill for a bit, showered and rested in my room for a little over an hour. I took it easy before getting pertied up for the New Moon premiere. I'll post pictures once I get them off my camera. The movie was an improvement from the first one - acting, etc. is definitely better. But it's still Twilight and still not grade-A cinema. Unless I receive it on dvd I probably won't see it again. I was home by 2:30 and probably fell asleep by like 3:10'ish. I was on-and-off for a bit.
This morning I was up at a little after 6:00. I made sure to set two alarms incase I missed the first one. Luckily we were pretty steady at work so I wasn't just standing there. After work I've pretty much been busy. I've got some friends coming over for dinner so I've been prepping that all evening. Menu is: veggie sandwiches, chips & various dips, fruit, and an upside-down apple cake with caramel sauce and whipped cream. Don't know how long people will stay since I have to be up at 5:40'ish tomorrow. But I only work 5 hours so I plan on stopping at for a quick lunch. I can nap after lunch. And then I'm going to see my lovely friend Kelly in a play Saturday evening. :)
Random thought: Yay for dinner party!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
See Nicole, that wasn't difficult
Random thought: Was offered assistant manager at the coffeeshop. I'll most likely take it, but I still need to think on it.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Why do I make things difficult?
Now I'm conflicted. Some friends and I are thinking about doing dinner Friday night. I'm thinking well I'll invite him along. I've got a friend saying yeah, good idea. I've got another friend saying yeah, not so much. If I was inviting another one of my guy friends I wouldn't be having this discussion, but for him it's different and I'm not exactly sure why.
Ugh Nicole you make things too hard on yourself.
On a good note the massages were awesome. I did not realize how tired my legs were until I was getting them worked on.
Random thought: Extra hour of sleep tomorrow - woot! Or technically I get to wake up an hour later.
Monday, November 16, 2009
New Leona Lewis song
I'm really feeling her new song "Happy." Her album comes out tomorrow. I may listen to samples on and if I'm into it I'll buy it. Here's a link to the song (lyrics are below), thanks to youtube:
Someone once told me that you have to choose
What you win or lose, you can’t have everything
Don’t you take chances, you might feel the pain
Don’t you love in vain; cuz Love won’t set you free
I could stand by the side
Watch this life pass me by
So unhappy, but safe as could be
So what if it hurts me
So what if I break down
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
And my feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don’t care about all the pain in front of me
I’m just trying to be
HAPPY (Just wanna be Happy)
Holding on tightly, just can’t let it go
Just trying to play my roll, slowly disappear
And all these days they feel like they’re the same
Just different faces, different names
Get me out of here
I could stand by the side
Watch this life pass me by
Pass me by
So what if it hurts me
So what if I break down
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
And my feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don’t care about all the pain in front of me
I’m just trying to be
HAPPY (Just wanna be Happy)
So many turns that I can’t See
Like I’m a stranger on this road
Don’t say Victim, don’t Say Anything
So what if it hurts me
So what if I break down
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
And my feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Don’t care about all the pain in front of me
I’m just trying to be
HAPPY (Just wanna be Happy)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I am a lucky SOB
Life has been good of late. Just been working, as usual. This afternoon I need to do some shopping. I'll probably shoot some pool later with some friends. Going to see if Booth would like to join us. Other than that I'll have a "lazy'ish" day. This really starts my weekend as I have today and Monday off. I thought about running my errands tomorrow, but it's a bright, sunny day so I'll do it today and have Monday be my lazy day.
Oh and ps to
Random thought: I LOVE my neighbours.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Just gonna be friends
On the bright side since he moved here he said I'm one of the most normal and awesome people he's met. We'll hang out again for sure. Maybe we can get a group thing or something. Chat him up at work still and maybe go out for a drink or something later next week.
Random thought: Good thing my hopes weren't super high. Now I can flirt with other hotties. lolz. Maybe...
Monday, November 9, 2009
I picked up Lindsey at 9:45 and we drove around for a bit since most of our friends wouldn't be able to come until 11:00. We got there at 10:30, chatted and drank some beer. Slowly our friends started showing up. I bought a pitcher of beer for everyone. We were in a 90's mood. Luke and I sang "Tubthumping" by ChumbaWumba. The next song I sang was "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls; the whole gang was up there for that one. Lindsey, Ashton and I sang "I want you to want me." Not 90's, but it's a good song. I put in "Gin and Juice" by Snoop Dogg, but they didn't get to me. I'll sing it next time. There's karoke again Wednesday night. I work at 6:00 Thursday morning, but I'm probably going to say fuck it, go out and just drink loads of coffee Thursday morning. We might do Sunday karoke again. I want Booth to come with us one of those nights so when I (most likely) see him tomorrow I'll bring it up.
Random thought: Nicole, why did you eat that? Now you're feeling meh.
Random thought #2: Didn't do a whole lot today. 'Twas my day off.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The lovely weather/weekend
Saturday I went out for a run. I wanted to go for a longer run, but with the 5-mile race on Sunday I didn't want to tire out my legs. After my run I basically did a lot of nothing until I left for work just past 3:00. It was a pretty slow night. Joanna and I made pizza. After work I came home and talked with the parents. I was in bed by 11:00'ish. I was tired. I'm used to being up between 5:00-6:00 so I tired early.
This morning I woke up and read the newspaper. I had a light breakfast and watched a special episode of "Top Chef" before getting ready for the run. GORGEOUS day for one. Should have worn shorts though. My mouth became very, very dry within the first five minutes. Just before mile two there was a drinking fountain so I took a swig of water from that. I had a decent race. My pace was better than I thought. I thought I'd be around 10-minute mile, but my average was about a 9:36. That includes walking up some hills, which I know I could have ran up (I've done this race before), but right after mile one and just before mile three I had very bad stomach cramps. Even though during races I HATE walking I figured it's going to be better if I take a few walk breaks. This turned out to be true. I finished in about 48 minutes and AC/DC helped me cross the line with "Hells Bells."
This evening I'm going to karoke. I told Booth about it Friday and he seemed interested. I called and left him a message, but he called me back and can't make it tonight. I was kind of bummed, but actually happy that he called me back (am I pathetic or what?) since if he hadn't of by a certain time I was toying if I should call him again or not. We'll see each other at my work and we'll definitely hang out again.
Random thought: I totally felt gourmet in my lunch and dinner choices today.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Evening with the boy
Random thought: :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
New haircut and NYC review
-Woke up at 4:15 and on the road by 5:00 to catch our 7:50 flight out of Milwaukee. Blasted music and drank coffee.
-Got to NYC just after 11:00 ET. Took a cab to the hostel, dropped off our stuff and walked around. Walked around for a bit and found an awesome and cheap and GOOD sandwich place for lunch
-Met up with Jaime at about 3:00. Got her settled in, rested and enjoyed free pizza at the hostel
-Walked around for the evening. Enjoyed some ice cream and bubble tea. We also found a decent bar. We were back at the hostel at 10:00'ish. We did another podcast and talked until about 11:30.
-One of our other roomies came in at 4:00 and snored like no other so we didn't sleep much past then. The hostel has a free breakfast from 8-10 so after a shower and getting dressed we headed down.
-We headed up Broadway. Stopped at a mini "farmer's market" along the way. I picked up some cider. Don't think it was pasteurized. Stopped at Macys but didn't find anything worth buying.
-Had lunch from a vendor in Times Square. Went into various TS shops, including riding the carousel in Toys R Us.
-Continued our walk up to Central Park where we had a carriage ride. Went into FAO Schwartz and bought some candy.
-Went into Prada, Chanel and a few other designers and felt poor and WAY out of place. Killed a bit of time and rested our feet and drank coffee at Rockefeller Centre
-Went to dinner at Dave and Busters. Met up with my friend Charles. Shared ice cream with Luke. Spent some more time at TS. Took the subway back.
-Jaime and Lindsey weren't feeling the best so after a bit of rest Luke and I went back out. A 30 minute walk turned into a 2-hour walk. Stopped at a bar just go I could pee. Got a bit lost. Back by 1:30 a.m.
-Slept in and had breakfast at the hostel. Was out by 9:30 and walked down to lower Manhattan, via Chinatown and Little Italy. Went halfway across the Brooklyn Bridge and back. Went down to the World Trade Centre site.
-Walked back via Broadway. Stopped for some gelato. Got ready for Halloween. Took pictures.
-Started out the night in heels, but Lindsey and I had to switch. Went to the liquor store so we could make some drinks. Went out and tried to catch some of the Greenwich parade. Started raining so we stopped for pizza.
-Waited out the rain a bit. Had some shots at a bar. Lindsey and Luke went down to Times Square while Jaime and I walked around the East Village. In bed by 12:00.
-Was up by 7:00. Packed and lounged around before heading to breakfast solo at 8:00. Ventured out to try and find a bakery. Stopped at Whole Foods for some noms for the plane.
-Finished packing with the gang and then went for a final walk with everyone. We did a final podcast and I left our roomie a note (he was running the NYC marathon so I wrote him a quick note congratulating him). We checked out, said goodbye to Jaime and went our ways.
-Took the subway to catch a bus to LaGuardia. Got there hella early and had lunch and played cards. Bought a magazine. Left NYC at about 5:00 ET.
-Landed in Milwaukee just past 6:00 CT. Got the luggage and were on the road by 6:30. Stopped for noms and cigs. Back in Madison by 8:00, home by 8:30.
Random thought: Had fun, but I miss it. Now to see if I can plan a trip to Arizona in March...
Random thought #2: If you are my friend on facebook there are photos there. If not, I'll post some soon.
