Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jason Mraz!

Yesterday I found out that Jason Mraz is coming to Madison the first weekend of May. Tickets go on sale Saturday morning, but I joined his fan club yesterday so I could buy the pre-sale tickets that went on sale this morning. $36 per ticket (I bought two), plus ridiculous service fees so it wasn't too bad. I rarely treat myself and most artists go to Milwaukee or Chicago. I was able to get pretty decent seats and I might have been able to get better seats Saturday morning when they go on sale to the public, but I work Saturday and would not have been able to sneak away to call or order somce we're always busy. It was different when I bought the baseball tickets since that was a Friday and we were not very busy at that time.

Today was good. I stayed up late and woke up semi-late. I tried our scone recipe from work and tried to make it healthier, but there was too much liquid so I put the mixture in a casserole dish. Turned out pretty good. I ordered the tickets and read and did the newspaper games (sudoku and kakuro - have to keep the old noggin' sharp). I made lunch and went for a walk. I walked to a far Walgreens to see if they had this temp hair-dye. They didn't so I walked home again. I was out for maybe 1 1/2 hours. I came home and made German Potato Salad for dinner. I also made a quick batch of fresh salsa which I will have soon. I may go out tonight, but part of me doesn't want to. We'll see.

Random thought: I am tired.

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