Monday, February 22, 2010

The morning from hell

So my period came early - AGAIN. 5-7 days early in fact. No warning either. Nothing much I can really do about it, but it gets annoying since with me now having essentially no clue as to when to expect it I could get caught out when I'm having a good time.

On an even crappier note I have to have a root canal and a crowne put in. I noticed when the dentist came in he was looking at my x-rays longer and I thought "oh I have a cavity, crap." He then said that part of a tooth had chipped. I hadn't noticed any pain and I was hoping it wouldn't be anything major. Nope. I cried a bit in the chair, but kept it under control. My hygenist was real cool and explained some things about the procedure; she had just had one herself. I made my appointments and as soon as I got into the car I lost it. I had to go to the grocery store for a few items and since it was after 9:00 a.m. I needed a liquor store run. Bought some kiwi-flavoured vodka; I'll try it later.

Sorry for this lack-of-happy news post. The only good thing was most of yesterday when I hung out with my friends the entire day except when I wasn't working. Thanks for coffee, dinner, beer and conversations. :)

Random thought: Hey Booth, some of the men curlers are cute too. ;)


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