Friday, March 5, 2010

What sickness was that?

I'm better today. Yesterday I felt awful. I felt fine Wednesday evening when I hung out with Shane. Thursday morning I woke up and felt crappy. At first I thought I was hungover so I was like "Nicole, suck it up." I got up, got dressed and sat back down and basically stared at the wall for 30 minutes. I called in to work. I can function hungover so this was definitely something else. I slept for a bit and thought okay I can go to work. Nope. I stared at the wall and my mom helped put me to bed. I barely had an appetite all day yesterday. I just started getting it back today.

Work went well today. After work mom and I ran errands. I slept a bit before heading over to the Posse house for some guy talk. I came home and actually ate real food. Now I am listening to the Vitamin String Quartet, which is amazing by the way. Thanks itunes. :)

Random thought: Here is a photo from when a bunch of us helped LZ with one of the items on her 24 List. Photo credit goes to her as well. :)


1 comment:

  1. uhm, photo direction credit goes to me. the timer on the table took the photo.

    loved seeing you today!! and yummy treats!
