Sorry for the lack of posts of late. With me getting up at 5:00 a.m. for work I'm still getting used to those hours. Now granted 5:00 wake-up call is probably normal for some of you guys or some of you
Thursday I worked 6-3. I was scheduled 6-2, but I didn't want to leave Melissa in the weeds so I stayed until 3:00. I took the bus home and as soon as I got home mum and I left to run some errands. That day was my Eliot's first birthday (daughter of my friends Ben and Laura) and they asked me to make her a small cake so I did and delivered it that afternoon. Here's a link to Laura's blog and some photos:
Friday I only had to work 9-5. A "sleep-in" day - woot! I left work 30 minutes early and caught the bus home. I stopped at Walgreens, which is close to my house, bought some items for my upcoming NYC trip and walked home. Friday night was a relaxing evening. I went to bed at like 9:45 since I was tired and had to be up early.
Saturday morning I was up just past 5:15. I wanted to go to the Farmer's Market so I went before work. The market starts at 6:00 and I had to be to work at 6:30. The vendors weren't all there yet when I started out, but I was able to find the three things I wanted. Work was a bit slow, but I was done at 1:30. I went to the Willy St. Co-op and bought some ingredients for granola bars. I also signed up to be a membor. It's only $10 a year and I get special savings. The bulk of the food there is either organic or local so it's good. After I got home I ate lunch and took a nap. That evening I went out with some friends and we had a belated birthday celebration for Ashton. I also discovered that PBR went suprisingly okay with my mediterranean plate.
This morning I was FINALLY able to get out for a nice run. I also was FINALLY able to read the whole Sunday paper. I ran some errands after lunch and am now doing random stuff. Tonight I'll probably watch some of the baseball game. It'll be a busy next few days since I work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday AND I need to get ready for the trip.
Random thought: Making, baking and decorating cupcakes in one hour?! I rule.
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