Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chicago daytrip

Well at about 4:00 Sunday afternoon it was decided I was going Monday. Luckily I had already started to plan!

I left Madison just before 5:30 and including some stops was at Union Station by 9:10. I put some money on a CTA card so I could use that instead of cash for the bus. I had a little mapquest map and found my way to the bus stop right as my bus was pulling up. Score! I'm so glad I found the #10 (runs to/from museum of science and industry from downtown) since it made my trip so much easier. I got to the MS&I just after 9:30. I waited in line for my ticket for about 10 minutes, but the line moved quick. I roamed about the museum for about two hours. There were other exhibits that looked cool, but I didn't know how much time I had. It was awesome seeing an actual U-Boat and just how HUGE they are.

I had another score! when I left the museum. Between 10:00 and 3:30 the #10 only runs every half hour, but when I got outside there was a #10 there waiting! I'm also glad I went to the museum early since the line was LOOONNNNNNNGGGG when I left at noon. I was dropped off at State and then walked on over to Michigan to grab some cash and find lunch. Did both. Had a yummy gyro. I walked down the Ghiradelli store, but didn't buy anything. Too bad I couldn't buy just 1 piece. I wanted a chocolate fix so I went to Fannie May and just wanted one piece. The woman didn't have me pay just for one - thanks! They must sell them by the pound or something. I crossed back over to State and went into some stores. Wasn't planning on buying anything, but I needed a break from the cold!

I met up with [info]terani and [info]againstathorn for a little bit after they were both done with work. It was sooooooo nice seeing them again and just chatting. They had an early dinner while I just had coffee. Just talked and laughed and had a good time. After we split up I met up with [info]projectlost1 . We walked around for a bit and stopped in for a margarita. Thanks - I'm buying the next one! Again, it was just nice chatting and catching up with a friend. I told all 3 of them that with the semester starting back up soon I don't know when I'll have 2-3 days off in a row, let alone 8! Hopefully it's sooner than later. And I'll get to visit with some of my other Chicagoians I wasn't able to visit today. I took the 7:00 bus back to Madison and was home just past 10:00.

Today we're going to visit Grandma and one of my uncles may stop in too. After that we're going to hit up Festival Foods, a grocery store, in Fond du Lac. Only me would freak out about this AWESOME grocery store. I love food.

Random thought: Thanks to my friend lauratakesphotos.blogspot.com/, I think I'm also going to make a list of 24 things to do before I turn 24. I've already got a few things on the list.



  1. i've been contemplating one myself, but don't really know what i'd put on it...

  2. seriously girlies, have fun with it! i made mine things that i said "i've always wanted to do that!" (so why not do them!?) but not really goal- or money-oriented (such as get all the rooms in the house painted or take a trip to italy). can't wait to see your nicole, and hopefully yours, nadine! (:
