Sunday, May 17, 2009


After talking to Jolie and listening to God I realized that I need to let my current situation go with the flow. Whatever is meant to happen will happen and I cannot dwell on it like I sometimes do. You all know me. I'll get excited over something or start to worry about something and I'll overanalyze the situation and it will get me all in a tizzy. I'll probably still have my moments over my current situation, but hopefully I'll remember what I learned and talked about tonight.

The weekend was good. Work was busy both days, which was good. Last night my parents and I grilled for their anniversary, which was actually today. 34 years married. After work today I hung out with Val and took her to my church group. She felt like I how I felt and still feel at times, almost like she was abandoning the Catholic Church by trying something new. I still struggle with it. Not necessarily abandonment, but it's like I have my Catholic side and this new side and both are pulling at me.

Random thought: Mall of America next weekend!

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