Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Drunk guys and hot chicks

It's nice to be single. LOL

Val and I were walking back from dinner last night and these drunk guys enjoyed looking at us and made it known. One of them was kind of hot.

Today was an up-and-down day. I had a good workout on the treadmill, but I was dragging at the end of work. My back was really starting to bother me. I'm glad I forgot my coupon and couldn't go shopping since I was not in the right mood. Mom and I made a good dinner tonight: chicken and stuffing. She also had peas; I had crackers and peanut butter. I'm excited since I already have my breakfast picked out tomorrow. I'm making some baked oatmeal thing. I'll put less sugar and fat in it and substitute some apples and spice for the chocolate chips. Gotta try and make it healthier.

Random thought: Let's go Brewers!

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